Scientific activity is an integral part of the work of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department. Among the latest themes of research are the following:
- Pedagogical, methodological and linguistic aspects of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic higher education institutions. State register № 0116U003919. Period of work: 03.2016 – 03.2018
- Current trends in professionally oriented foreign language teaching in non-linguistic institutions of higher education. State register № 0118U007002. Period of work: 09.2018-03.2022
Scientific articles and published abstracts of reports at international and national conferences are available for viewing in the electronic archive of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University (IRChNUT), as well as in the personal profiles of research and teaching staff in Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearcherID.
Among the latest scientific publications:
- Lytvyn S.V., Dyvnych H.A., Shevchenko Yu.V. Assessment of oral speech in classes of English for specific purposes in non-linguistic institutions of higher education. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Luhansk: Philological Sciences. 2019. № 7 (330), November. P. 138-146.
- Shevchenko, Yu.V., Dyvnych H. A. Peculiarities of Teaching Business English to Ex-Servicemen and Their Family Members: Experience of Implementing Ukraine-Norway Project. Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology. 2020. VIII (89), Issue 221. Feb. – P.30-34.
- Lashuk N.M. The role of technologies and strategies of media education for the formation of media competence of future marketers. Bulletin of the Glukhiv National Pedagogical University named after O. Dovzhenko: coll. of sc. works. 2018. Issue 1 (36). P.73-79.
- Lytvyn S.V., Perminova V.A., Sikaliuk A.I. ESP teaching: teacher as a facilitator. Bulletin of Chernihiv National Teacher’s Training University. Series: Pedagogical sciences. 2018. №156. P.81-83.
- Sikaliuk А.І. The effectiveness of the introduction of content, forms and methods of formation of ethical values among students of technical specialties in foreign language classes. Collection of scientific works [Kherson State University]. Pedagogical sciences. 2018. Issue 81 (3). P. 207-210.